Saturday, August 31, 2019

Book of E.H. Carr on ‘Twenty Years Crisis.’

This paper seeks to make a review the book of E.H. Carr on ‘Twenty Years Crisis.’ The book is about international relations (IR) hence discussion dwells mainly on related different IR concepts including utopianism and â€Å"extreme† realism.  The book was written by Edward Hallett Carr in 1939 and is believed to be one of the classics in international relations (IR).   I see two reasons why Carr’s book makes a special place in the field of IR. Firstly, since the book was first printed in 1939, it is believed that it greatly contributed to the establishment of international as an autonomous discipline; secondly, it has a quite good amount of texts in understanding classical realism.An observant mind would think that the book was written shortly before the outbreak of World War II – as the author himself has put in the preface to the first edition. The book is believed to have grown out of the author’s disappointment with utopianism and â₠¬Å"extreme† realism that appeared to him to belong to opposite poles that have developed in the study and practice of international politics after the Great War. Utopianism is believed to have its roots from the philosophical liberalism and gained popularity in the first decade after WWI which included the view that there is goodness in man and of humankind as united by a substantial harmony of interests; the existence of natural law; and a reliance on the constructive consequence of public opinion on politics.Using the doctrine of utopianism, one could see the creation of the League of Nations and the liberal international economic system. But for author Carr, he saw the opposite, arguing that these two liberal institutions were weak which actually uncovered the weaknesses of the utopian approach.   It was Carr’s view, that the political and economic events in Europe occurring before the World II proved that principles like the universal interest in peace or the bene fits of open markets were not really true in the real sense since these developments were dependent on a distribution of power favouring the status quo countries which included Great Britain and the United States at the time.Carr’s emphasis on power in international politics, however, does not preclude him from disagreeing with those who take this realist principle to its extremes. He looks at politics as a constant quest for power in which imagination does not play any role, and making an allowance for morality as always relative and functional to interests. Thus he argued that the kind of realism developed in the decade before World War II, made utopianism’s opposite mistake that is analysis made makes purpose lacking in meaning.   Carr’s contemporaries including â€Å"heirs of Machiavelli† were proposing a completely pragmatic approach to politics, which had detached any emotional appeal, finite goal, or ground for ethical judgment, which Carr readil y found to have no basis.This would leave any one then reading this book wander the way one then should look at world politics.   The author then made his theory of international relations clearer in the second half of the book.   What he theorized as is that power or drive for supremacy is the main driving force of international politics. He denied not the fact that every state has selfish interest and that no interaction in the international arena can be well explained without making an assumption to the selfish nature of states. These countries according to Carr lust for influence and to the conflictual character of politics. He defined power to be referring to military as the most important, because of the possibility of war that was always present then.Power could also be economic, or ideological. He thus believed that power is not the only force at work in the international arena. As to how can this be, Carr, as distinguished from the â€Å"extreme† realists, believ es that morality plays a role in politics.   His conception of ethics, however, is not embodied as part of one he is opposing, the theory of the utopian philosopher. Instead what Carr theorized on is a â€Å"realistic† morality, found and felt in the actual behaviour of the states that recognize each other as belonging to the same community. Commonality for membership in the same community lies with similar goals and â€Å"feelings† of said members.There is basis to look at the authors position on ethics in international relations as having significant limitations which should include the need and concern for self-preservation) so that denying not to have   any function in politics may sound to be baseless since man must not be forgotten that he can be sociable as well as egoistic. Thus in trying to find the middle ground or the so called â€Å"golden mean† that is between complete power and purely morality based on utopianism, Carr’s analysis of inte rnational law did show his plausible view in international relation. It may be just logical to understand his argument not to obey the law because it is â€Å"good† or out of pure imposition.He believes then powerful countries then do so make decisions because law gives certainty and regularity to an order and such situations do show both the systemic distribution of power and the consent of its participants. What can be inferred from Carr’s position is that, the main challenge for a system undergoing a redistribution of power via peaceful transformations of its legal order moral principles should be maintained as still important part of the process.To conclude, it may be said that the Carr’s book on The Twenty Years’ Crisis is a classic of International Relations and it’s a complex although others believe that has its simple structure.   Beyond the complexity it must be noted the author’s arguments revealed his concern the method of Inter national Relations as well as its substance. Carr’s attacking utopianism and â€Å"extreme† realism limits not only views of the human nature and of the essence of politics, but his good grasp of the relationships of thing like those between pragmatism and ethics in the study of politics making a reader to fill in some interpretation for the solution.   What must be remembered also is not his narration of the history of the inter-war international system, nor pure theoretical discussion as show in his refusal to transform arguments into universally models as he seemed to argue on case to case basis.Reference:Carr, E. (2001) The Twenty Years' Crisis 1919 -1939: An Introduction to the Study of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   International Relations (Paperback), as updated by Michael Cox

Friday, August 30, 2019

Why Students Should Have Part Time Jobs

Is it a good idea for High School Students to have a part-time job? I think that high school students should have part time jobs because it gives students a chance to get out and contribute to the community. It teaches students the value of money and gives them skills that they can use in their future. Firstly, a part time job for students is a good idea because students are greatly needed to participate in to todays society, getting a job in the community is a great way to participate and get themselves involved.It gives students a sense of ownership and belonging within their community that they too are an active member that helps make the society function at it's highest level. Also, when students get a pay check they have to know that they need to budget their money and also to create a savings account for future purchases. It also teaches them the value of the dollar where a teenager when about to spend their money they can stop and question themselves ‘is this a want, or is this a need? This is a great tool for young adults to acquire at a young age. Finally it gives students important skills useful for their future. For example, a student was to get a job at the local gas bar one would learn how to handle money, how to stock shelves, order supplies that are needed, customer service and the ability to handle hazardous materials. It's also builds a students character and trust worthy value. As we all know in society word of mouth about ones character and how responsible they are excel fast within any community.In conclusion, part time work for a student is a key element in future success. It allows the student to grow and learn as an individual and creates strong work ethic. There is nothing more valuable to an employer than an employee that has these skills and in life there is nothing more desirable as an individual than to have a strong sense of worth, character and the ability to handle and manage money to their fullest potential.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Persian Wars: Cause of the 499-404 B.C.E

The Persian wars are often compared to the Trojan wars due to the effects they had on Greek history. Athenians who were cultural and politically superior to the Greek considered the wars against Persia as some of the defining and greatest moments in their history (McKay, Hill, Buckler, Buckley, & Wiesner-Hanks, 2008a). Despite the defining effects that the Persian wars had on the history of the Athenian and the Greek, their beginning was nothing big. In mid sixth century BCE, Croesus who was the king of the Lydians took control of all Greek cities along the Asian Minor coast (McKay, Bennett, Beck, Crowston, & Wiesner-Hanks, 2008a). When the Persians conquered the Lydians around 545 BCE all states that were under the Lydians came under the rule of the Persians (McKay, Bennett, Beck, Crowston, & Wiesner-Hanks, 2008b). The Persian approach to leadership was defined by close control and they appointed officials who ruled states under a system that can only be defined as tyrannical. Citizens under the system implemented by the Persians were required to pay extremely high taxes and serve in the Persian army (McKay, Bennett, & Buckler, 2003a). Many revolution in history have generally been caused by oppressions and system that are degenerate in terms of social development. The Persian approach to government bore all the classical signs of tyranny and close governance. Under such system the mechanism that will worst affect the weak are made as effective as possible and in the Persian case this was not different. Their most effective system was the tax collection system which collected taxes in a manner that had no bearing on the earning made by individuals and the failure to submit returns could even result in hanging (McKay, Bennett, & Buckler, 2003b). The rulers were imposed on the Greeks, Lydians and Athenian and the kind of rule that such leaders used was oppressive. The rulers kept close contact with the events that happened on the ground which is a characteristic of an approach to leadership that is either oppressive or concerned with the welfare of its members; in this case the former was more relevant. The pressure placed by the Persian government led to underground revolution which were propagated by the opportunism of Aristagoras. Aristagoras sought help from the Spartans and Athenians (McKay, Hill, Buckler, Buckley, & Wiesner-Hanks, 2008a). The later helped him in though by 495 BCE all rebellious Greek cities has been restored under the Persian government. This did not spell the end of war due to the attention than the Athenians had gotten from Persia for the role they played in the destruction of Ardis. The revenge mission and the expertise that the Athenians had in Hippias who had been a member of the Persian army led to what is referred to as the battle marathon (McKay, Hill, Buckler, Buckley, & Wiesner-Hanks, 2008b). By the end of the marathon Greece began an ambitious navy building project due to the influence of Themistocles which propagated the war into a war for supremacy. In summary, the war started by the need for freedom and independence catalyzed by a leaders who was out to fulfill his personal agenda. By gaining support from other states the Persians were defeated due to their lack of commitment to the war. The marathon which served to propagate the Persian war was mainly out of the need for revenge by the Persians and its ‘marathon' stature is resultant of the resistance the Persians got from the well prepared Athenians and Persians. Towards the end of the war the objective was more about gain of supremacy. In the end, the Athenians got all the glory though the role played by the Spartans in the Persian wars can never be underestimated.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wanderer in a Waste Land Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wanderer in a Waste Land - Essay Example Indeed, his reference to the fire represents certain unnecessary desires for human beings. In particular, Eliot suggests in â€Å"The Fire Sermon† that these desires cause intense destruction to their respective immediate environments. Ideally, human beings should be free from such desires as numerous seductions (Thesing & Wrede). However, this is not what happens in the contemporary world, as Eliot would wish. The fire burns up a moral civilization and replaces it with one that is sinful in a symbolic manner. Consequently, the desires, which Eliot dislikes, cause uncountable evils hence the need to avoid them. There is a noteworthy divergence in the use of fire in this film called â€Å"The Way Back†. This is because fire does not refer to any human sins in this film. However, it is a positive phenomenon for the wanderer who experiences several hardships. For example, the wanderer needs the fire to warm himself on his way to India. The wanderer cannot survive without the fire given that the place he has to go through has extremely cold weather. In addition, the nights get cold hence necessitating the presence of the fire to the wanderer. Moreover, the wanderer must have fire to cook all the foods because there are no alternative cooking methods in the desert. The fire also plays other significant roles in the wilderness, for example, providing light (Weir). Eliot uses the phenomenon of water to introduce a feeling of realizing ones sins. For example, in this section of the poem he reveals characters who finally understand their sins. In addition, these characters wish to cleanse their respective souls because they now hate sin. Consequently, this significant realization occurs through water. Indeed, there is an admirable change in the characters that change from their respective sinful manners. Consequently, the film uses water to indicate an element of survival for the wanderers


INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL STRATEGY Coursework - Assignment Example Financial crisis begun in the USA, spread to Europe and the rest of the world. In the year 2007 to 2009, a deadly financial crisis hit the world (Jones, n.d.). Recession hit several countries such as UK, Spain, USA and Ireland, where the first experiences included raising expenses emanating from the housing. Economists, journalists, and other bodies like countries' governments interpreted the recession widely (Munyo, n.d). According to Fosberg (n.d.), the financial crisis originated from subprime mortgage loans, and debts. These types of finances backed other financial elements deterioration. It extended their problems to other sectors. For example, Bear Stearns announced the initial indicator of financial crisis; two of their subprime hedge funds have translated into worthless assets in a short time (Leeuwen, 2011). Moreover, there was collapsing of the financial market in the USA when the auctioning rates collapsed in 2008. Buyers who failed to bid for securities in the market char acterized it. According to Fosberg (n.d.), recession is a significant decline of economic action occurs in a period ranging from months to years. From the European Commission, there is no specific definition of the term economic activities (Smith, and mendoza, 2011). Instead, the European Commission is comparing the economy movers’ factors such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and Production and Income of the country as per its GDP. This explains the identification of an economy headed to recession (Grenville, 1999). Merrouche and Nier defines recession as a phase of business cycle whereby the overall output in the economic actions like income and employment declines for a period extended for more than 6 months (Munyo, n.d). The financial crisis constricts the business activity and the GDP reduces leading to lowering of the employment chances. Moreover, recessions occur when there is a decline in the state of Gross Net Product for more than half a year. Their definition and m entioning of the measures of the economic crisis is wider than just GDP (Zarebski, and Dimovski, 2012). The occurrence of the financial crisis had several negative impacts on the financial market. For instance, there was a reduction of securities issued by the firm such as the lending organizations (Powell, Nilipornkul, and Allen, 2013). Moreover, the world experienced various effects of the financial structure such as disrupted financial markets, the debt and the equity capital for company expenditure reduced, and severe recession in many countries. In addition, economic recession marked a significant change in the way people spend their income in terms of the pattern and habits followed when spending. The main problem required comprehending and anticipation of the expected new environment with an understanding of consumers’ attitudes and needs (Zarebski, Paul and Dimovski, Bill 2012 percentage). Moreover, the same year was characterized by rising of credits as many of the i nvestment firms that used short term loans to fund their projects were having difficulties tapping the resource for their firm`s growth (Schwellnus, Goujard, and Ahrend, 2012). Before recession, early 2007, the USA was experiencing a growth GDP rate of 3 percent and the rate of unemployment was significantly lower than the current trends. However, indicators outlined that the housing cost fell sharply, at a rate of 9 percent. The credit card companies were reducing by refusing new applications

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Abbey Properties Limited in Recession Dissertation

Abbey Properties Limited in Recession - Dissertation Example Model of Entrepreneurial Strategies used by Abbey Properties Limited The literature review mentioned four possible entrepreneurial approaches that small and medium sized firms in United Kingdom use during a recession. Despite the fact that the case of Abbey properties limited did not appear to be fitting completely in any of these four categories, it was somewhere between the â€Å"Migrating Geese† and Lambs to Slaughter† model with a greater inclination towards the former. Without any doubts, Abbey was far away from being the â€Å"Hibernating Beers† since it did not shut its operations. In fact, the recession hit the United Kingdom in the second quarter of 2007 and the company’s financial statements did not show any signs of a recession for the year 2007. In fact, there was no need for an emergency up until the start of 2010. Even that the company was faced with a period where there were no sales at all for the company, it did not shut its operations or went into the hibernation mode. In fact, there are also no signs that the company had fired any employees, shrank in terms of size, shut down its offices or any others. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that the company did not also fit the description of â€Å"Sensible Squirrels†. In fact, it is important here to note is that many small and medium sized organizations in United Kingdom and United States are least likely to fit into the description of â€Å"Sensible Squirrels†. ... In fact, there are also no signs that the company had fired any employees, shrank in terms of size, shut down its offices or any others (Landstrom, pp. 160, 2009). Furthermore, the evidence suggests that the company did not also fit the description of â€Å"Sensible Squirrels†. In fact, it is important here to note is that many small and medium sized organizations in United Kingdom and United States are least likely to fit into the description of â€Å"Sensible Squirrels†. Many of these companies operate on a day-to-day, week-to-week or monthly basis (Buckley, pp. 69-71, 2011; Stokes, Wilson & Mador, pp. 26, 2010). This is exactly what differentiates them from large organizations. Big corporations and companies are more likely to have a vision, mission, clear and well defined strategy with long-term plans. On the other hand, small and medium sized organizations are more likely to look at the short term opportunities and challenges and due to their limited, scope, financ ing, funding, resources and others, they will restrict themselves to the â€Å"wait and watch† zone (Weale, pp. 5, 2009; Stokes, Wilson & Mador, pp. 26, 2010). This explains why every year, thousands of small and medium sized business go bankrupt or they announce closure because of their short-term mentality. Gone are the days when businesses had the chance to have short term or reactive mindset. The macroenvironment is quickly changing that firms, which take more than a while to react, find themselves having outclassed by their competitors in every possible way (Arestis, Sobreira & Oreiro, pp. 201-202, 2011). The interviews with the Director and General Manager of Abbey Properties did indicate that the

Monday, August 26, 2019

I Do Not Speak English (Naia) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

I Do Not Speak English (Naia) - Essay Example I had seen and heard too much about the USA in books and media throughout my childhood, but this was my first chance to move to the USA. Coming to the USA was a different and new experience for me altogether. I had come from a society which was not as diverse as the society in the USA in terms of race, color, ethnicity, or religion. In the USA, the first thing my parents did for me was look for a good school for me. I got admitted in the Carmel High School. It was way big as compared to the school I had come from. When I arrived in the USA, I knew very basic English, if any. It was so difficult to communicate with the local people in the USA. I did not even know how to put words together to form a sentence. It took me so long to translate everything I thought into English that I frequently would become conscious that I was boring the person listening to me. The local people said things so fast that it was nearly impossible for me to catch what they said. I had to make them come again and again until I finally got their point. This was very emotionally demanding. It was indeed as difficult for them to cooperate with me as for me to catch up with them. Because of my language problem, I used to remain generally quite unless it was extremely necessary to talk. The local people there did not understand that this was the reason behind my quietness, and many would take me for proud, which I was absolutely not. I was missing my hometown a lot, but thinking about Bogota was useless as my parents would not allow me to live alone there. I had to stay in the USA. I realized that to adapt to the new culture and adjust in the American society, the first thing I needed to do was improve my English, so I started taking English classes. I worked with will, determination, and hard work. It did not take me much time to get hold of the basics. Within a year or so, I was able to write comprehensive essays in English. Every day, I learned at least two new words of English from the d ictionary, and would incorporate them in my writing the very day. This practice not only helped me polish my writing skills, but also helped me improve my English vocabulary. Today, I am proficient enough in English to qualify as an American citizen. One thing that I was always sure about was that in order to integrate into the American society, I would have to appreciate diversity as it happens to be a very integral trait of the American society. I started reading books about different cultures, and their individualistic trends, traditions, norms and values. I even studied comparative religious books in order to have an insight into the fundamentals of the beliefs of people belonging to different religions. This not only helped me understand the people around me better, but also increased by general knowledge a lot. Being aware of the religious and cultural norms and values of people in my class, neighborhood and the marketplace helped me socialize with them in such a way that they felt comfortable in my company and became my friends. I have seen tough times when I was in the high school. Bullying in the high school was very common. Senior students bullied the younger ones in a large number of ways including abusing, threatening, punching, and calling names. Laws of the high school were flexible, which was one reason why the students behaved irresponsibly. Although when I was in my high school, I had been living in the USA for quite some while, yet my English at that point in time was not very good. As my class-fellows

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Human Resource Management & Information Management (MBA) pro 8 Essay

Human Resource Management & Information Management (MBA) pro 8 - Essay Example One of the solutions is motivating the employees. This is the best way to deal with this problem. Motivating the employees is the act of making them feel important and needed in an organization. This is a challenge for the managers but once it is implemented, great changes can be observed in the organization (Brewster & Harris, 1999). When employees are motivated, they always produce quality work. This is because they are seen as important stakeholders of an organization. This leads to the success of an organization since they are also able to keep good relations with the customers. Every employee is happy when their work is appreciated thus they even try harder which is very important in an organization. It also helps in retaining the employees in the organization for a longer period. When the HRM department is able to motivate the employees in the organization, productivity levels increase. In a case where the employees are allowed to air their suggestions, the organization really develops. This is because the employees have some experiences and they always suggest for what will best benefit the organization (Brewster & Harris,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Education - Assignment Example Education helps discover the hidden talent and potential of an individual and then work on it to improvise it. Education does not only mean studying in schools and earning good grades. The true essence of education lies in discovering the inner being and transforming it into a cultured, intellectual figure. In this research, we shall analyze the evolution of education into one of the most important needs for mankind. We shall study the effects of education on our societies. We shall also discuss the power that an educated person has in the society, to make a change. Education has made man come out of the caves and transform his world into a place full of opportunities and convenience. In the ancient times when education was not very common, it was basically perceived orally and by observing things. A standard form of education had not developed in the societies. Due to this, knowledge about things in the environment and life was transferred informally from the elders to their young. This transferred knowledge was different for all adults since every human perceives and observes their surroundings in a different manner. As humans became more aware about their surroundings, they realized the need of a standard form of education. This evolved into a concept of formal education which was not given by their household members, in the context of religion, customs (Hughes, More). This was the step towards a formal learning process for mankind. After some time, societies and civilizations started becoming more complex and people started working on acquiring skills to earn their livelihoods. This created an eagerness to learn more from skillful people and a realization that they should learn useful things from experienced people on the job side for example; agriculture, fishing, preservation of food, stone work, metal work, construction, boat building etc. Literacy was more related to administration of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Stock Market Prices - Web Based App Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Stock Market Prices - Web Based App - Coursework Example There are many advances in stock technologies, although the real time stock out has gotten the most press coverage recently. There are diverse technologies with various capabilities, price points, and footprints. After some time, this evolving change in the stock exchange will spread to other sectors as well. Anything of material significance will be stream –tagged to report its state in real time...... Sophisticated financial operations and keen investors require state of the art trading systems with potential of handling operations in terms of complexity and volume. Challenge the market The challenges faced by markets place are the ability to handle increased volume of trading and latest financial instrument. This calls for the implementation of new rules and regulations that demand for setting up latest cutting edge systems or modifying or even upgrading the existing systems without interfering the on-going operations Challenges 1. Quick and quality execution 2. High Performance 3. Scalability to handle high volumes without degrading in performance 4. Platform neutral 5. Security Overview The documentation is to be developed to cater to the operational needs of the investors all over the world. Therefore, the architecture covers all aspects of Real time market information. Real Time and Delayed Stock Quotes The stock quotes are available on real time basis for which the bourse ch arges a monthly fee while the delayed mode which occurs on the basis of 15-20 minutes delay or lag and available for free. Relevant parameters from the stock market 1. Spot price is acquired from stock exchange’s current basic stock trade price. 2. Exercise price, Time to Maturity are acquired from option exchange quotes. 3. Risk free rate depends on different economies, for example, the US market and the US Treasury 4. Suggested bill rate is 5. Volatility is acquired from user entries; the goal is to give an individual user freedom to decide on their own volatility method. It helps in carrying a test for volatility’s accuracy against the basic market price. Finance data service provider The data is obtained

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Alcohol Abuse Essay Example for Free

Alcohol Abuse Essay Alcohol abuse is perhaps one of the biggest problems in the United States today. It is not only a personal problem that dramatically affects an individual’s lives, but moreover those that surround such a life. In the essay â€Å"Under the Influence† by Scott Russel Sanders, he expresses his emotions through a poem. â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† by Theodore Roethke. â€Å"The whiskey on his breath could make a small boy dizzy; but hung on like death; such waltzing was not easy. † (258). This poem is one of many effective devices that Sanders uses to clearly and decisively convey to us the readers of how profound the effects of alcoholism are. Sanders reflects back to his childhood and explains his complex relationship with his alcoholic father and the after effects now that he is a grown up. One of Sanders memorable comments in his essay is when he states his father â€Å" He would not hide the green bottles in his tool box, would not sneak off to the barn with a lump under his coat, would not fall asleep in the daylight, would not roar and fume, would not drink himself to death, if only I were perfect† (255). What a strong point of view in a little boys mind; to think, â€Å"if only I were perfect† his father would not drink! Sanders tell us how our children experience the burden, of the effects of alcoholism. Sanders said, â€Å"Father ‘s drinking became the family secret. While growing up, we children never breathed a word of it beyond the four walls of our house† â€Å"I asked my mother if she ever spoke of his drinking to friends. ‘No, no, never’ she replied hastily. ‘I couldn’t bear for anyone to know’†(257). It must be very difficult for a family and, especially for a child not to be able to communicate their suffering to others. Sanders as a chills wasn’t able to be honest; he was force to live a lie. Another comment from Sanders was, â€Å" I hated also the Gallo brothers, Ernest and Julio, whose jovial faces shone from the labels of their wine†¦Ã¢â‚¬  †I meant to go out there and tell Ernest and Julio what they were doing to my father, and then, if they showed no mercy. I would kill them† (259) Sanders contrast the jovial faces on the wine label to the reality of his father’s fuming. character. Sanders closes with, â€Å"I still do- once a week, perhaps, a glass of wine, a can of beer, nothing stronger, nothing more. I listen for the turning of a key in my brain† (266). Sanders is comparing his drinking to his father’s drinking as an alcoholic. Unlike his father, Sanders is not an alcoholic and has the ability to control his drinking. Work Cited Sanders, Scott Russel. â€Å"Under the Influence† Fifty Great Essays Editor. Robert Diyanni. Pearson. 2011 Pages 258, 255, 257, 259.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Evaluate the Causes of World War I Essay Example for Free

Evaluate the Causes of World War I Essay World war one is one of the most important events in world history. It took place in Europe in 1914-1918. The whole world participated this war. So everyone had some responsibility. There are more than one reasons for the outbreak of this war. Mainly, it was the expansion form of nationalism the alliances system. Other issues played a major part too, such as imperialism, the industrial revolution, naval race and domestic factors. One of the main long term causes as I said before is Nationalism. Nationalism is the patriotic feeling when people believe passionately for their countries. The extreme feeling of nationalism is called ethnocentrism and it leads to fascism. Nationalism also, promoted the war because nationalists wanted to reestablish their nation’s power. Th e majority of people before and during the world war one, wanted to have a larger territory. Flags are created to represent a country. The three countries that formed the Triple Alliance was formed by different ethnic groups. Above all, Austria’s – Hungary’s ethnic groups wanted their independence. These groups were, Slovaks, Serbs Czechs. They wanted to rule themselves and have their own state. Particularly, many Serbs in different territories wanted to join the neighboring state of Serbia. Italy was also formed from a collection of smaller states, aiming at having its government established. The trigger cause of world war one was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinard his wife also by a Serbian nationalist. This happened in June 1914 while they were in Sarajevo, Bosnia which was a part of Austria – Hungary. This assassination was in protest to Austria – Hungary having control of the region. This was the extreme form of nationalism as I said above, that killed the prince of Austria and world war one began. Another cause which cause the war is imperialism. In other words, the competition among powerful countries to extend their power. All the countries were looking for ways to conquer oversea colonies. There was a competitive feeling about it. They also needed more resources. Naval bases for Germany Britain were also of paramount important. For example, France Russia prepared to face any German invasion. Germany took from France an important industrial area of Alsace – Lorraine. In 1890 Germany has a New Kaiser who was very active. Germany seized control of Chinese ports wanted more oversea colonies as Britain France had. Italy also wanted more oversea colonies and that’s a reason it joined the Triple Alliance. Furthermore, there is another cause, the alliances. Alliances existed to support â€Å"friends† and threaten enemies. The promoted their own culture. Alliance’s movements are like gangs. They used violence and technology weapons. Alliances active role before the war was to understand the progress of the war country’s movements. So before world war one Russia defended Serbia. Serbia’s territories were controlled by the state of Austria – Hungary. Serbia started the war against Austria – Hungary and Russia got involved. France Russia had a close friendship. A response to get back its land Germany attacked France through Belgium. In 1884 the Triple Alliance we formed with Germany, Italy and Austria – Hungary to support each other militarily in case of an attack. The Triple Entente that formed in 1904 with Britain, France and Russia. The last cause of the war was the industrial revolution, in other words militarism. Militarism is associated with technology weapons. Such as cars, bombs, machine guns, submarines, bullets, dynamites etc. Industrial development was very important in order to be powerful. In this new war armies used cars and not horses. Another point is the radio, was used for propaganda. Everything was moving very fast. Military includes submarines, airplanes and machine guns. France Russia worried a lot for Germany’s development. Loans from France helped Russia to develop industries. Germany’s navy plan named â€Å"Navy Code† was increasing their navy. This plan worked as a threaten to Britain. Germany’s development of their navy was apparent. It become one of the world’s most powerful navy in 1980 with Britain first. In 1914 German industries was second in the world only to that of the USA. Serbia was also becoming a powerful force in Balkans. France also built up their industries army. Russia was the largest of all six powers however it was the most backward and least developed. As a result of this war there was devastation across Europe. Eight millions of people died twenty – nine millions injured. The use of the word destruction includes issues we are not able to see. It’s not only the destruction of buildings, the lack of education and the economic decline. It’s also the lack of ideas, family issues, the psychology of the crowd, propaganda and much more. Even after the world war one for decades the leaders changing politics, changes public opinions. In my opinion preserving the peace was neither Triple Alliance’s or Triple entente’s priority. What if the countries did not show off or compete for power? I believe that nationalism was the most important cause for causing the war. Consequently all the countries were reacting in extremely nationalistic ways and unreasonably. I also think world war one was a result of leader’s antagonism towards other countries which was sustained by the increasing nationalism of European nations. The assassination of Archduke worked as the immediate cause that triggered a domino effect of reactions among all these countries. If this wouldn’t happen, they would have find another cause to start the war. I suppose everything’s happened because of the selfishness leader’s had. They didn’t inspire the crowd this prove that there was the failure of diplomacy.

Symptoms of Dementia

Symptoms of Dementia 1.1 1.2 a) Dementia and Delirium †¢Ã‚  Alertness: In dementia customers their sharpness is general, they are generally ordinary. In insanity customers the readiness vacillates, depleted and hyper vigilant. †¢Ã‚  Emotion: In dementia customers they are shallow, thoughtless and shallow. In insanity customers they are Irritable, forceful and dreadful. Sleep: In dementia customers they frequently have exasperates rest in throughout the night. They are wanderings all over and befuddled around evening time once in a while. In insanity customers the perplexity exasperates slumber or may have store rest. b) Dementia and Depression †¢Ã‚  Memory and Comprehension: In dementia, customers memory and comprehension are hindered. As infection advancement, long haul memory additionally influenced or lost. In gloom the customers’ memory in some cases weakened. Long haul memory by and large in place and poor consideration. †¢Ã‚  Perception In dementia customers observation is typical; their pipedreams are roughly 30-40%. In gloom the customers recognition is sound-related; their pipedreams are roughly 20%. †¢Ã‚  Emotions: In dementia customers they are shallow, fractious and lax. In gloom: the patients are level, miserable, dreadful and touchy. 1.3 a) Alzheimers Disease Loss of memory is aftereffect of plaques and tangles in the mind that cause the passing of nerve cells. Loss of memory influence the everyday life exercises, for example, correspondence, exercises and security danger. Loss of weight may happen with Alzheimers malady. Case in point: a few patients overlook how to bite and how to swallow sustenance. There is less cerebral cortex which recollect this controls the cerebrum including memory, cognizance, and discourse in Alzheimers patient. The surfaces of the cerebrum adjust and mind cells shrink. There are more plaques looked at inside the typical more seasoned individuals. The liquid filled spaces of the mind increment in size. People with Alzheimers illness have change in their character. For instance: an individual who was obliging and cordial when he has infection will get to be forceful, irate and upset. b) Vascular dementia Vascular dementia is brought about when a vascular occurrence happens denying cerebrum of a sufficient supply of blood and oxygen, bringing about the passing of cerebral tissue. The patients with vascular dementia have passionate switch all over. The patients change in discourse. They talk slower and experience issues in talking. The Patients have disturbance to transient memory, association of contemplations and state of mind. Vascular dementia patients experience issues in strolling. c) Lewy Body Disease 1. This is brought about by a strange vicinity of cerebral cells called Lewy bodies which found all through the mind what creates inside nerve cells. It is believed that these may help the demise of the cerebrum cells. 2. They have tremors and solidness like Parkinsons illness. 3. Memory misfortune: likes other dementia infections. The patients with lewy body illness have influence to short- term and long haul memory. 4. The patients experience issues with fixation and consideration. 5. The patients experience issues judging separations, regularly bringing about falls. The most noteworthy danger element is age. The number individuals found with dementia the age of sixty-five. As the nerve cells got harmed in the mind. Other component can from way of life, for example, hypertension and coronary conduit ailment. The patients have a conceivable hereditary connection that inherited from past era. Case in point if a guardian or kin has a dementia then the persons 1.5 Cognitive effects cognitive impacts lead to dementia patients experience issues with transient memory which can impacts both to individual living with dementia and the individuals around them, for example, a few patients are troublesome after discussion and helping. They are likewise experience issues thinking and are effectively diverted. the patients will have poor ability to know east from west or off and on again loses their ability to know east from west: they experience issues to discover the courses (go to lavatory, can). Functional effects The practical capacity of the customer changes like they experience issues in dressing and different capacities. They need to remind to consume, wash, dress and utilize the latrine and in addition needs help overseeing every day tasks. Behavioral effects They experience difficulty with level of individual cleanliness and dress sense lead to other individuals may be humiliated with somebodys close to home cleanliness or dress sense and would prefer not to be seen with the individual. Their verbal relational abilities are likewise influenced that makes the individuals living with dementia hard to express the things so they begin communicating their needs in some different ways. Psychological effects psychological impacts prompts the patients have changes in their conduct, for example, they get outrage and dissatisfaction and melancholy and in addition they detach themselves and abstain from going out as they discover it excessively hard to deal with the clamor and the other individuals. They lose the inspiration for all exercises of every day living, additionally they feel bore and may have visual mental trips. 2.1 1. Relationship: Dementia patients ought to dependably have associations with relative, companions and help suppliers that is in charge of the social, profound and passionate prosperity. Relationship has an essential part for supporting the dementia patients and it can be produced amid consistently minds and in addition amid sorted out exercises. Help supplier ought to admiration and comprehend dementia conduct. Help supplier and relatives of patients need to keep up their association with dementia customer so that the customer will adapt better and feel valued. 2. Correspondence: Correspondence helps the customer to express about their needs, in the same way as or abhorrence. At the point when speaking with the individual with dementia, compelling relational abilities and non-verbal communication need to be utilized. Help supplier ought to talk obviously, utilizing eyes contact, dont hurry. As an issue with dementia encounters a progressive abatement in capacity to convey. 3. Individuality: Help supplier ought to treat customers exclusively that implies help supplier help every customer similarly and regard them. Case in point, help supplier ought to give customer decision about what they like, for example, garments they need to wear, which exercises they like to do or take an interest. In addition empower the customers freedom however much as could be expected. 4. Feeling: Help supplier need to concentrate on the uniqueness and the rich scope of sentiments and feelings of the individuals living with dementia. Guardians ought to invest time with customers and sway them to discuss their emotions and comprehend them. Anyway dependably utilize a cool methodology to recognize customer’s emotions. 5. Abilities Retained From consideration arrangement, help supplier ought to recognize what exercises they used to like previously. Despite the fact that they are not ready to do the exercises yet the guardians ought to urge the customers to be as autonomous as would be prudent and inspire them to join the exercises of the rest home. Likewise they ought to fare thee well that the customers are getting a charge out of the exercises. 6. Needs of the person with dementia: Physical needs: Person with dementia need guarantee physical needs, for example, consuming, shower, dressing or wear glasses on the grounds that they are not ready to help themselves. Psychological needs: Person with dementia need somebody can convey and comprehend their inclination. Somebody can converse with them and offer with dementia patients. 2.2 Individuality influences PCC of dementia patients. Help supplier ought to take a gander at forethought arrange and realize what they can do, what they like to do and provide for them. Help supplier ought to provide for them what exercises they like to do. Relationship has a part essential for dementia patients. The dementia patients ought to stay in great association with relatives, help suppliers and companions. Relationship for an individual with dementia needs to be minding and trusting on the grounds that just with connections they can adapt better to their malady and feel esteemed and adored. Following the consideration arrangement, help suppliers need to verify that they comprehend and have learning about quiets inclination. Help supplier ought to know how to adapt to customers when they get irate or steamed, cool off patients and fulfill them feel. 2.3 Genuine movement makes opportunities for individuals living with dementia to react fittingly notice use their capacities. Importance exercises will develop with feeling, relationship and feelings. Compelling exercises can trigger memory and capacities. Genuine exercises may be not quite the same as one patient to other patient. 1. Verbal: The customers with dementia have diminishes the correspondence capacities that gets to be most noticeably bad with the progression of time as they are not by any means ready to talk or talk legitimately. They have hard to discover the right word or stuck on the words. They may rehash the same word or expression again and again. They may experience issues in communicating feelings. 2. Vocalization: The customers with dementia cant talk so they convey what needs be by the method for tedious discourse, groaning, creaming and singing. For instance if the customer feels torment then they were shouting or vocalizing. Vocalizations may be troublesome and offensive for others. 3. Gestures: Dementia customers they utilize signals for consideration or say something to help laborer by the motions, for example, tapping, indicating, waving or nodding. The motions of every customer have an alternate significance. For instance when the customer needs to strive for latrine they are tapping on the seat and on the off chance that they need to consume something then they utilize the motion with hands and development of the mouth. 4.Communication aids Communication helps is things helping correspondence in the middle of guardian and customer with dementia, for example, picture book, music, blaze cards. Case in point: a few customers utilize the cards with where they need to strive for visit. Picture book can indicate what they need. In addition, if an individual is not ready to talk that individual may utilize a board to compose words on. 3.2 1. Sensory losses The lost of sight and listening to prompt trouble in correspondence with dementia patients. They will misfortune association with other individuals. Case in point: without glasses, they are cant see non-verbal communication and not able to get significance of correspondence. 2. Communication accomplice: The correspondence accomplices are the individuals who help the dementia customers in correspondence and may be they are not accessible at constantly. The correspondence accomplices may be life partner, relative or companions. 3. Health status: Infections and sicknesses will have a terrible impact on correspondence capacity of dementia patients, for example, Parkinsons ailment and stroke, the patients will have hard to talk obviously. 4. Environment: Environment can be a correspondence obstruction as it influences the correspondence of the individuals with dementia, for example, extensive loud environment, individuals in a room or close-by talking excessively boisterous or excessively quick, and absence of powerful correspondence expertise among human services help laborers. 5. Culture: Society is a variable that additionally influences to correspondence, for example, stress, utilization of motions. Frequently, dementia patients talk their dialect or help laborers dont comprehend the dialect of customers. For instance: Arabic individual conversing with help laborer in it dialect. 6. Age: Now and again its truly hard to comprehend the needs of dementia customers for the more youthful parental figures when the dementia customer chatting with more youthful individual. As some of more youthful they talk quick or talk in more youthful statement consequently the dementia customer misjudged. Elderly age can relate with tangible misfortune and influence to correspondence. 7. Gender: Sexual orientation additionally has impact on correspondence as some male patient use distinctive words with female. This could be a sex boundary like Female patients can without much of a stretch impart their story and issues than male patients. 8. Reverting to original language: At times an individual with dementia talk will return to unique dialect and may review words that others dont comprehend which can be a boundary there would be an issue if no translator is accessible. 9. Expressive and reciptive correspondence issue: The patients with dementia cant discover words to convey. They are not able to express what they need. Open is the point at which they dont comprehend what impart to them, verbal and non-verbal correspondence. 3.3 1. Communication partner Help laborer ought to peruse consideration arrange and verify accomplices are presented with patient. In addition, help specialist verify that patient with dementia are agreeable with correspondence accomplices. 2. Environment: Verify customer with dementia they are agreeable and commonplace questions in their room. In the event that he/she feels good then put sign and images which can be helpful like on the off chance that he needs to go can then he put the finger on the sign. Verify give the sufficient lighting and proper space for moving the customer. 3. Verbal and non-verbal: Help specialist verify that they talk gradually, obviously to patients with dementia to comprehend the non-verbal correspondence, help laborer ought to utilize eyes contacts. 4. Singing: Singing is a system to empower patients with dementia correspondence. Help specialist ought to search for a few melodies in the past which help dementia patient to bring the gorgeous memory. Singing help to quiet down patient with tension and bring back cheerful memory. 5. Music: Music sways dementia patient to impart. Music can lessen tension, unsettling and cool off dementia understanding. Some music can be utilized with fundamental activity of arms or legs that likewise amuse them and urge them to do exercise. 6. Activities: Exercises in day by day living can sway dementia patient to correspond with others. Exercises help communicating their inclination, diminishing uneasiness, provide for them upbeat time. It can provide for them compelling things to discuss and can help to determination unfinished business. 7. Communication helps: Photos, new paper cuttings, memory books all energize correspondence on the grounds that dementia patient can utilize straightforward signs structure them to impart. Checking vision and portable hearing assistants are likewise paramount. PUSHPINDER KAUR

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

US History Essays -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although the federal governments attitudes and actions towards blacks and Native Americans civil rights in the 19th century were very different they also had lots of similarities. Both blacks and Native Americans were treated poorly and did not have many rights. Blacks were slaves and Indians (Native Americans) were fighting to stay alive. All these negative actions were a bad look for a country that was growing bigger and bigger by the day to someday reach what the United States is today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Culture was a huge part of Indian life in the 19th century, from hunting buffalo and respecting and loving the lands that they lived on to amazing spiritual and religious ceremonies. Blacks did not have much culture because they were mostly all born slaves in the U.S.; except for the ones that were born in Africa and had good memories about they’re past culture. There were also elder slaves that had experienced the African culture who tried to pass it on to the American born slaves who didn’t have any sense of there culture. From the 1850’s all the way until 1924 the Indians were battling the U.S. militia, government and army. The Indians were being kicked off there land and forced onto reservations. Many battles such as Red Clouds war in 1863, Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 and even the Battle of Little Big Horn (Custer’s last stand) in 1876 are all examples of battles that the Indians fought against U.S. men. Many of these batt...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Linguistic :: essays papers

Linguistic As the name suggests, linguistic learners most easily acquire information through words. They love to read, write, and tell stories. Memorizing names, places, dates, and trivia come naturally to these learners (Mantle, 2002). People with a linguistic preference have an awareness of the sounds, rhythms, and meaning of words. These students learn best by saying, hearing, and seeing words. When teaching to these students try having them write down information because that will help them remember it. Obviously they should be encouraged to read both for school and pleasure, but they should also be encouraged to participate in spelling bees or to take a creative writing course. Some games to introduce these children to are scrabble, boggle, and yahtzee. Logical Logical learners are very mathematically inclined. They enjoy solving problems, particularly if they are math related. They welcome the challenge of number games, problem solving, pattern games and like to experiment. They are very logical and straightforward. Logical learners are curious by nature and may incessantly ask you questions about how things work, relationships between things, and where things come from (Mantle, 2002). They do well if they have a sense of order and are given step-by-step instruction (Reiff, 1996). Lesson plans for these students should include charts, diagrams, and tables when possible since this type of student learns best through categorizing, classifying, and working with abstract patterns or relationships. Let them do experiments and show them how to use a calculator. Some games these learners might like to play include Uno, checkers, and chess. Spatial Spatial learners are able to visualizing things very easily. They work well with colors and pictures, and using their imagination. These learners are very artistic, but they sometimes find it hard to express themselves. For example, asking them to draw a picture will get their feelings across better than simply asking them what is wrong (Reiff, 1996). It is important to encourage any sort of creative attempt that these learners make. It might seem as though they are wasting time when in actuality they are thinking hard about something that they have not put on paper yet (Mantle, 2002). Make sure to have a variety or art materials such as paint, markers, crayons, glitter, and fabric ready for these learners to use.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Midsummer Nights Dream: Nature and Consequences of Infatuation :: William Shakespeare

Infatuation is love which is self-indulgent, obsessive and irrational. It causes people to lose their self-control and perspective. It is often a product of the senses, which is of physical infatuation rather than mental compatibility, thus it is appropriate for Oberon's love potion to be applied to the eyes which is the strongest senses a person depends on to view the world. The nature of the infatuation Demetrius has for Hermia is fickle and selfish. Demetrius affections switch from Helena to Hermia, sparing no thought for Helena, who is deeply in love with him. Lysander calls Demetrius a ?spotted and inconsistent man?, indicating Demetrius? fickleness towards women, that he is flirtatious and flawed. Demetrius is willing to go to any extent to have Hermia marry him, even allowing Hermia to be subject to a life of a nun or death, if she does not marry him. Demetrius? infatuation with Hermia brings out the tyrannical and possessive part of his character, as can be seen when he says ?and, Lysander, yield thy crazed title to my certain right? As in the case of Demetrius, infatuation causes Helena to be selfish, thinking only of her own relationship betterment with Demetrius, thus Helena betrays Hermia and Lysander?s secret in the hopes that Demetrius will be grateful to her and that she could meet him. Helena, too, is infatuated with Demetrius, who ?dotes, devoutly dotes, dotes in idolatry? on Demetrius. The repetition of the word ?dotes? emphasizes on the extent of Helena?s besotted state. Helena fails to consider Hermia and Lysander?s feelings and the consequences of her actions, only contemplating on how to have Demetrius? ?sight thither and back again?. Infatuation causes Helena to lose all sense of dignity, as can be seen when in the woods, she desperately pleads with Demetrius to ?but treat me as your spaniel?. Here, Helena also becomes irrational, obsessed with pursuing Demetrius, though it is obvious that Demetrius is fixated on winning Hermia?s hand in marriage. Helena?s infatuation also causes her to see things from a skewed perspective, for she falsely believes that when she divulges Hermia?s plans for eloping with Lysander, Demetrius? love for Helena will rekindle. As the audience, we know that the most probable course of action for Demetrius upon hearing such news is to pursue Lysander and Hermia, or to report them to Theseus or Egeus. Clearly, infatuation has clouded Helena?s ability to think clearly, and she sees things in her own idealistic way.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

International Relations Theory Essay

The study of the international relations has traditionally focused on the study of the causes of war and conflict between the states and the condition of peace. However, in the 21st century we are more concerned with the question of how the global relations can be identified, and with who lays the power of world politics. The global politics and international relations concepts have been developed over centuries. The key theories have established the commonly accepted methods of explaining the relationships between the states, and the way in which nations conduct their businesses. We can distinguish between many strands of thought, each extensive and often mutable. Thus, it is hard to define which are the most equitable and had most leverage in the international relations or global politics. However, we can certainly highlight few, which are seen as the most important or even crucial. One of them is Marxism, developed by Karl Marx in the 19th century. Marxism sought to purport the varied terrains in a new and unprecedented way. Some of the key aphorisms include the materialism, class system theory, the dialectical approach to history and of course a critique to liberalism and capitalism. Alas, the Marxism theory was precluded in the 1990s, after the oppression of people, economic instability, poverty and unhappiness under the communistic rule became evident. However, in the latter years of extreme economic and social crisis, many scholars once again engaged in the critical insight of capitalism, just as Marx did centuries ago. Marxism is the only theory available, which seeks to completely undermine capitalism, and expose its fundamental flaws which capitalists try to avoid or divert, but cannot overcome. However, it is not only limited to the economics. It presents extensive explanation of social and political relations and ways in which societies can determine it. It offers a new concept of freedom, far more expansive and empowering than the traditional liberal understanding. In this essay I will critically assess the extent to which Marxism has contributed to an understanding of the global politics. The global politics otensibly consists of many strands of scholar thought , analysis and theories . The acuurate and cognizant way of explaining or arranging the different approaches would be to put them in two categories; mainstreem and the rest. The parenial mainstreem theories of international relations are realism, liberalism, neo-realism and neo-liberalism. Other vail approaches share much with mainstreetm but have been seen rather as develpoments or critiques or of it, often providing a very distinct analysys . One of such is Marxism. Karl Marx developed new depiction with some linkages to the previous theories. He offers a distinct approach and analysis of political, social and economic life. Marx’s aim was to expose the hidden truth about the world of politics, and to higlight to people that history, politics and our social life is not something that only happens to us (independently from our actions), but rather something wich happens with our presence and input, and therefore can also be transformed by us. We can choose weather or not we want to live in a political-social system which we inherited, or to alter it if we are dissatissfied with it. In this sense politics appears as a struggle over processess of social-self production. The ability to steer various processess in one direction or another, thus shape the world in whcih we live in, produce a social change. Marxs expalins this as a dialectical or process orientated approach to understanding our history and politics. The historical tensions and cirumstances opneded up various possibilities for actors (agents embodied in institutions), to produce a change. As humans we have a freedom or in other words a collective ability to shape ourselfs and our world. This concept of freedom is broader and more empowering , than in the traditional liberal thinging (freedom of choice, our wants and needs in the market). Another important aphorism of Karl Marx was historical materialism. According to Marx all life is constantly evolving . The evolution results from the clash of two opposing forces. The same must happen with peolpe. For centuries humanity experienced struggles and clashes mainly between 2 groups of people. In the acient world it was the slaves and the lords, in the middle the peasants (surfs)and the lad owners, and in capitalism the capitalists (burgouise) and the working class (proletariat). Each historic era is different , has its own dynamic an dlogic, based on a dominant mode of production: primitive, feudalism and finally capitalism. For Marx each stage had its beginbing, middle but also an end. Marx also belived that history is shaped by the material basis of society. He recognised base and superstructure division of society. He included education, politics, religion, culture, media to the superstructure. Underneeth the superstructure there lies base consisted of relations of production (burguoise), and means of production everything which is owned by burguise needed for procution such as technology for instance). The base in Marx view , creates a particular type of political authority which is mostly concerned with protecting and promoting the interests of the dominant class. The base can change the history and the society. The key implication here is that the people who conctrol the material base (the means and forces of production), ulitmately control the society, politics and the world we live in. He recognised tha states as the puppet of a dominant class. Marx also offered an extensive and profound crtique to caqpitalism, imperialism and globaloization. He did not undermined it. It is fair to say that Marx understood capitalims as the most productive theorey that every existed but nevertheless, he recognised that it was living on a borrowed time. For Marx the capitalism had fundamental flaws as it was exploitative and oppressive system. He examined the features of capitalism, praised it for the competetive nature whihc would recsult and many spohisticated advancemnts, presented its flaws and atributes. Karl Marx acknowledge that constant urge for profit wouldstimulate the innovation process in various fields such as technology, media, medicine. Nevertheless, the necessity to generate higher and higher profit is the main downfall of the globalization and capitalism concept. As a result capitalism will move from crisis to criris, and the society will become increasingly unequal. Marx specified that capitalists will attempt to reslove one crisis, but as one problem would be resolved, another would be created in its place. We can clearly see how this process works taking for instance the sub-prime lending case. As people did not have enough money , the demand failed. The profits of various cooperations also failed (as demand stimalates the supply and the prices). The banks offered creditd cards and loans. In turn people bought more goods, and contributed to the economy. Everyone was happy in the process, the baks, the producers and of course the working class who would now finally buy the goods and services they wanted. One problem was solved. However, after a while people did not meet their repayments. The banks had to confiscate their houses, cars, and other possesions as a result. Now banks were left with empty houses, and a huge deficit of money. The enterpreneours who invested and supplied banks with the money lost a vast ammount of money, many bankrupted. The taxes rates for the lower and the middle were risen, and the wages cut so the capitalists could once again make profit. Alas, less wages and bigger taxes meant less dissposable income to pay for the new good and services. The capitalists once again have to battle low profits, and find new ways to stay in business, The whole process reapeats itself, and no concrete and reliable solution is found. Marx also crtiticises the globalization process. The global capitalism means alliances of globalised capitalists, in order to do the business together and gain more control. This aspect of globalization within the context of capitalism will also prove fatal, as the interconcetivity between various world economies could potentiall bring doom to all if one falls ( we can see it happening with the hyousing bubble burst in the USA, resulting from the sub-prime lending . This crisis not only affected the USA economy, but spreaded to the rest of the world resulting in the global economical crises and recession). Marxs posited that economic relations between people was core to absolutely everything. The human needs for housing, security, food, drive human interactions. Furthermore he stasted that private property divided the world. The human persistency to barter and to create profit was a recepie for distater. Capitalism develpse productive powers of human societies, but it does in rather undemocratic manner, through exploating and subduing the working class. As a result it distors the real historiacal possibilities for social self-determination. Socially empowered people under the capitalistic system, are prevented from realising their full productive powers and enjoying their fuller forms of freedom. Under tha capitalism ideaology supports the historiucally specific forms of social activity and organization, which appears to be necessarry and natural universal conditions. It takes on the apperance of unchangable, and hard-wired withing the society. This is of course mistification. Within the context of capitalism , we are isolated individuals, therefore we confornt our social envirometn not as collective product. We views it in terms of constraint on our individual chocies. This way of understanding social relations as parennial, universal and natural prevents us from looking for possibilities of transformation, or imagining the alternative possible worlds. Marxism inspired future analysis in the international relations arena . One of the most significant was the crtitical theory. The critical theory was develpoed in 1930s by the frankfurt school of thoutgt. The term frnakfurt school refers to theorists originally assosiated with the Institute for Social Research at Frankfurt University . The early frnakfurt shcool tehorist Horkheimer and Adorno, began too lose faith in the revolutionary potential of the proletaria. The also saw how in the west Marxism was marxism was being transformed into a doctrisn of economic determinism. In the face of these developments, they wanted to retain a critical modern critical and potentially progressive role for social theory, but were wary of the orthodox Marxisms’ preocupation with production and the coresponding emphasis on the historical role of the proletariat† The core concepts of the Crtical theory are that critical social theory should be directed at the totality of society in its historical specificity , and also that critical theory should improve understanding of society by integrating all the major social sciences, including geography, economics, sociology, history, political science, anthropology, and psychology. Critical theoriests developed a key concept that the objectively valid forms of knowledge could not be established independently of the social context and social norms. The theories which claimthat they provide objective truth are profoundly misleading. In their view idealogy (or theories assosiated with it), are just a belief that oue perspective is the truth. The way in which things appera from the economic standpoint of our consciousness. They asked a question: can idealogy be proven, is it just a mode of belief. After all idealogy is without conciousness. Is it fair to say that things actually are the way they appear to me? The frankfurt scholars went on explaining that in each historic period the dominant class sets the idealogy. In the late capitalism it is ultimately a burgouise idealogy. So the ideas whic are the base of every aspect of our society , (for instance our current work ethic or current standards of moral behaviour) do not have to be universal, just and correct. The frankfurt scholars have undermined the positivist forms of scienfitic knowledge. They claim that positivism and instrumental reason discourse denys the alternative values and future possible worlds. Gramsci went a bit further and develpoed a theory of hegemony as a form of political power whcih relied upon the consent than coercion. â€Å" In a hegemonic social situation, dominant groups (classes, class fractions and their verious alliers) articulate a social vision which claims to serve the intersts of all, and they use selective incentives to recruit junior partners into their coalition and to didivde the disable oposition† He belived that in modern and advances capitalistsic societies, hegemonic power might be promoted via media, education, art, literature as well as political parties. Under these conditions various groups might be led to consent to the powerof dominant groups. This action would make the use of obviously opressive and coercive power unnecessary.. He also argued that hegemony should be continously chalenged by the civil society. In this way he hoped that capitaslist culture would be challenged by a counter-hegemonic political culture. In short, he speculated that peolpe might start to think of their economic lives as having a significant political importance . Gramsci hoped that they might finally question the universal capitalism’s structured separation of the ploitical fromt he economic aspects of life. Another important approach to global politics, which derives from Marxism is the World systems theory , which was fathered by Immanueakl Wallestein in the 1970s. He traced the rise of the world system to the 16th century Western Europe, whihc then spraded to the rest of the world. The E3urope feudal economy suffered crisi and was transformed into capitalism. The west quikly utilisised their advantages and gained control and power, over the most of the world economy (using colonialism, slavery, imperialism and globalisation together with the unfair trade). This actions resulted in an unequal develpoment, which instead of diminishing grows even further. Wallestein also supported Marx’s previous view that the suposely tree distnict areas of politics, socio9logya nd economics are in fact combined. In his writing Wollestein provided a structural explenation of the global inequallity between states. He viewd it as a pyramis. At the top of the pyramid lye the core states. Whuhc dominate the system. They all are in favour of capitalistic global economy for their own elevation. Examples in todays world inlude USA, Japan or Western Europe. Beneeth the core states lys the semi-periphery states, which are seeking to elevate themselfs to claim their place among the core . Examples include the BRIC countries: Brasil. Rusia, India or China. At the very bottom of the pyramid lies the peripher, the weakest of the states (third wolrd countires ). They are usually rulled by the puppet goverments , subservient to the global capitalists. Ruled by the core states. They will never be given the standars of life they deserve through their inustry. They usually provide most of the natural resources and products which are greedly devour by the core, only to recive poor technoplogy and ocasional aid in return. People in the third world countries (peripherians) are the main victims of this opression, as they benefit less from the spohisticated technology and innovation that capitalism (through drive for profit) brings about. This generates a fundamental innequality between the nations. Conclusion The forms of Marxian critical theory (further develpoed by the Frankfurt school and by Gramsci), lead us to a conlusion that the claims of scientific objectivity assosiated with positivistiv theories of International relations are in fact profoundly misleading . This approach differs a lot from the mainstreem realistic and liberalistsi approaches of the international relations. More recently there has been a sort of renaissance of Marxian international theory. It began during the 1990s and gained its momentum with the US war on terror after the 9/11/. The American war on terror is seen by many as the twnety-first-centuray imperialism . Many scholars return to Marxism wirtings and its later developments, to find it very accurate in the sphere of the global politics today. Undoubtedly, Marxism contributed in large means to our understanding of the global politics. It is the only reliable source of the critique of the capitalistis system we currently live in. Furthermore it explains and provides an analis of it. It stresses the interdependence of social-political- and economical aspects of life , not only within the domestic arena but also on the global scale. Marxisms highlights the global innequalities that the capitalism creates, demonstrates and unmasks the constant exploitation and mannipulation of the working class. It stresses the importance of all idvividuals, and their ability to transform and alter the world around us which includes our political system, current moral and ethical forms of behaviour, the ecoonomic system and every other aspect of our live. Marx and the later scholars influenced by his writing, do not propose a new clear system to replace capitalism. The presumptions are left to us . Within the concept of marism the idealogy can always be altered, it shall not be seen as something parenially just and fair. It is also seen as the tool of the higher class, who usess it to explain the world to the lower class and further to control it. Therefore Marx saw idealogy only a way of explainign and understanding the world rather than verity. This approach had big significance in the global politics theory. It inspired new starnds of thought in international relations and of course met with a fierce critique of positivistic scholars and thinkers.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Death and Dying in Hinduism and Buddhism

Death and Dying- Customs and Rituals Hinduism and Buddhism Religious and cultural beliefs play a significant role in the processes of death and dying. These beliefs have created rituals that provide a conceptual framework for understanding the experience of death. Cultures across the world have different, unique rituals surrounding death and dying. This can be proven by comparing Hinduism and Buddhism. Their pre-death rituals, burial rites and concepts of afterlife are very different. Hindus and Buddhists have diverse pre-death rituals. When death is imminent, Hindus are brought home to die.They are placed in either their room or the entryway of their house with their head facing east. A lamp is lit near their head, and the person is encouraged to focus on their mantra. The Hinduism religion states that a mantra is a word repeated during mediation. Family members sing hymns, pray and read scripture for the dying person. When Buddhists are dying, it is up to their family to keep them positive. Loved ones must free themselves of disturbing emotion. It is their responsibility to help the dying person accept death as a natural and inevitable part of life.Hindus rituals are scripted, religious and self-dependant while Buddhist’s rituals are low-maintenance and mostly dependant on family members. In conclusion, Hinduism and Buddhism are very different in regards to pre-death rituals. Hinduism beliefs about the afterlife vary significantly from Buddhism beliefs. Hindus believe that humans go through a never-ending cycle of birth and death. Hindus believe in karma. Karma is â€Å"action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman† (Collins English Dictionary, Web).Buddhists believe that every soul is reborn until it has been cleansed. In Buddhism, the goal is to achieve Nirvana. Nirvana is â€Å"freedom from the endless cycle of personal reinca rnations, with their consequent suffering, as a result of the extinction of individual passion, hatred, and delusion. † (Collins English Dictionary, Web). Superficially, these two rituals seem similar, but differences can be found on a deeper level. Hinduism is a never-ending cycle, while Buddhism can be escaped. The biggest difference between Hinduism and Buddhism is their burial rites. Hindu families prepare heir deceased with oil and herbs. The body is carried on a wooden frame to a publically designated cremation site where mourners chant mantras. After the body has been cremated, bits of bone and ash that remain are collected and strewn into the Holy River. Ten days after the cremation, family members offer ten pindas to the river to feed the spirit of the deceased on its travels to the next incarnation. Buddhists hold simple, solemn funerals. They believe it is unnecessary to spend a lot of money on traditional ceremonies. During the viewing, an altar is set up in front of the casket.Mourners can place offerings such as fruit, flowers and candles on the altar. Images of the Buddha and deceased person are placed in front of the altar. These religions are different because Hindus burials are elaborate and expensive, while Buddhists burials are simple, practical and inexpensive. Burial rites reveal how different Hinduism and Buddhism are. Hinduism and Buddhism have very different pre-death rituals, concepts of afterlife and burial rites. This proves that all religions have a unique set of traditions surrounding death and dying. These traditions help shape religion and create a diverse society.Bibliography Hitchcock, Susan Tyler. Geography of Religion: Where God Lives, Where Pilgrims Walk. Washington DC: National Geographic Society, 2004. Print. Berhad, Koperasi Buddhisme Malaysia. A Guide to a Proper Buddhist Funeral. Sea Park: Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc, 2000. Print. Collins English Dictionary. â€Å"Karma. † Dictionary Reference. 2009. HarperCo Publishers. March 6, 2013 < http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/karma> Collins English Dictionary. â€Å"Nirvana. † Dictionary Reference. 2009. HarperCo Publishers. March 6, 2013 < http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/nirvana>

Learning Team Industry Averages and Financial Ratios Essay

Watch the Industry Averages and Financial Ratios video and use the industry classification from the financial services website to locate the company’s SIC code on the U.S. Department of Labor’s website. Find the industry ratios for the company using the Dun &  Bradstreet ® Key Business Ratios link in the Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings. If your company’s SIC code does not appear in the dropdown menu, choose another company. Assume the inventory ratio is based on a traditional inventory system, but globalized markets and the supply chain make it critical to adopt lean principles to create a more efficient system. Calculate the 14 ratios (show your calculations) for the company using the two most recent annual financial statements found on the financial information website you used earlier. Be careful not to use quarterly information, and include ratios for both years. Note. You can access a downloadable Ratio Guide PDF by clicking the Help Guide link in the upper-right of the Dun & Bradstreet ® Key Business Ratios window. Compare the ratios for the company you selected with the appropriate industry ratios including profitability, solvency, and efficiency ratios shown on the Dun & Bradstreet ® report. Write a 350-word response about how the company you selected performed compared with the industry. Instructor Notes: Also upload the following: Formula and calculations of your company’s financial ratios for most recent two years (Excel) Dun & Bradstreet financial ratios for your company’s SIC code (exported to Excel) (Please delete the text in yellow-highlight above) Industry Averages and Financial Ratios Paper The purpose of this analysis is for our team to analyze how Inc. performed compared with the industry based on financial ratios. In Attachment 1, our team provides the industry ratios for the company using the Dun & Bradstreet Key Business Ratios. In Attachment 2, we provide the Balance Sheet and Income Statement information for the company’s most recent two years. In Attachment 3, our team calculates the company’s 14 financial ratios. In Attachment 4, we compare the financial ratios with appropriate industry ratios including profitability, solvency, and efficiency ratios. Analysis of Company’s Financial Ratios Compared to Industry’s Financial Ratios Xxxx Provide an analysis of the selected company’s 14 financial ratios compared to the industry’s financial ratios. Compare the most recent two years from D&B industry average to the same two years from your calculated financial ratios. Use the â€Å"Median† from the D&B industry average Remember to select financial ratios related to profitability, solvency, and  efficiency ratios. Note: the analysis includes interpreting the importance of the company’s vs. the industry’s financial ratios. 3 points out of 3 possible points (please do not delete these lines with point scoring) Conclusion References [Insert references here.] Attachment 1 Industry’s ratios from Dun & Bradstreet ® Key Business Ratios Solvency Ratios Solvency ratios measure the financial soundness of a business and how well a company can satisfy its short- and long-term obligations. D&B uses six key financial business ratios to measure a company’s solvency: †¢ Quick Ratio, also called â€Å"acid test† or â€Å"liquid† ratio, considers only cash, marketable securities and accounts receivable because they are considered to be the most liquids forms of current assets. A Quick Ratio less that 1.0 implies â€Å"dependency† on inventory and other current assets to liquidate short-term debt. Cash + Accounts Receivable à · Current Liabilities †¢ Current Ratio is a comparison of current assets to current liabilities, commonly used as a measure of short-run solvency, i.e., the immediate ability of a business to pay its current debts as they come due. Potential creditors use this ratio to measure a company’s liquidity or ability to pay off short-term debts. Current Assets à · Cu rrent Liabilities †¢ Current Liabilities to Net Worth Ratio indicates the amount due creditors within a year as a percentage of the owners or stockholders investment. The smaller the net worth and the larger the liabilities, the less security for creditors. Normally a business starts to have trouble when this relationship exceeds 80%. Current Liabilities à · Net Worth †¢ Current Liabilities to Inventory Ratio shows, as a percentage, the reliance on available inventory for payment of debt (how much a company relies on funds from disposal of unsold inventories to meet its current debt). Current Liabilities à · Inventory †¢ Total Liabilities to New Worth Ratio shows how all of a company’s debt relates to the equity of the owners or stockholders.  The higher this ratio, the less protection there is for the creditors of the business. Total Liabilities à · Net Worth †¢ Fixed Assets to Newt Worth Ratio shows the percentage of assts centered in fixed assets compared to total equity. Generally the higher this percentage is over 75%, the more vulnerable a business becomes to unexpected hazards and climate changes. Fixed Assets à · Net Worth Efficiency Ratios Efficiency ratios measure the quality of a business’ receivables and how efficiently it uses and controls its assets, how effectively the firm is paying suppliers and whether the business is overtrading or undertrading on its equity. D&B uses five key financial business ratios to measure a company’s efficiency: †¢ Collection Period Ratio is helpful in analyzing the collectability of accounts receivable or how fast a business can increase its cash supply. Accounts Receivable à · Sales x 365 Days †¢ Sales to Inventory Ratio provides a yardstick for comparing stock-to-sales ratios of a business with others in the same industry. A high ratio may indicate that sales are being lost because of low inventory and/or customers are buying elsewhere. A low ratio may indicate that inventories are obsolete or stagnant. Annual Net Sale à · Inventory †¢ Assets to Sales Ratio shows how efficiently a business is usingits assets to generate revenue. A high ratio may indicate the business is not aggressive or that its assts are not fully used. A low ratio may indicate a company is selling more than can safely fulfilled by its assets. Total Assets à · Net Sales †¢ Sales to Net Working Capital Ratio shows the number of times working capital turns over annually in relation to net sales. A high turnover rate may indicate that the business relies heavily on credit. Sales à · Net Working Capital †¢ Accounts Payable to Sales Ratio shows how a company pays its suppliers in relation to the sales volume being transacted. A low percentage may indicate a healthy ratio. A high percentage may indicate that the business may be using suppliers to help finance its operation. Accounts Payable à · Net Sales Profitability Ratios Profitability ratios measure how well a company is performing by analyzing how profit was earned relative to sales, total assets and net worth. D&B uses three key financial business ratios to measure a company’s efficiency: †¢ Return on Sales (Profit Margin) Ratio measures the profits after taxes on the year’s sales. The higher the ratio, the better prepared the business is to handle downtrends brought on by adverse conditions. Net Profit After  Taxes à · Net Sales †¢ Return on Assets (ROA) Ratio shows the after tax earnings of assets and is an indicator of how profitable a company is. Return on assets ratio is the key indicator of the profitability of a company. It matches net profits after taxes with the assets used to earn such profits. A high percentage rated indicates the company is well run and has a healthy return on assets. Net Profit After Taxes à · Total Assets †¢ Return on Net Worth Ratio measure the ability of a company’s management to realize an adequate return on the capital invested by the owners in the company. Net Profit After Taxes à · Net Worth Median Median is the value from the midpoint that falls halfway between the Upper and Lower Quartiles. Industry Quartiles Industry Quartiles are static values taken directly from the KBR database tables. The value from the midpoint that falls halfway to the top of the list is selected as the Upper Quartile. The value that is halfway between the median and the bottom of the list is selected as the Lower Quartile.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Wto Case

Tasks: 1) Review the articles and explain what is the core of the dispute * The core of the dispute are economic relations between countries and its companies, which stand in WTO. In these situations each country tries to defend its rights and win, so WTO’s primary task is to solve the arising problems guided with one of the main principles – non-discrimination. The rule requires that a WTO member must apply the same conditions on all trade with other WTO members, i. . a WTO member has to grant the most favorable conditions under which it allows trade in a certain product type to all other WTO members. So in the case of China – USA dispute WTO uses this principle and forces China to open the market for U. S. movies, music and books. China regulated US movies and music so far in order to protect their domestic entertainment market. But WTO ruled that China has to open to foreign entertainment materials according to globalization. ) Find and present at least three another disputes which are at the agenda of the Dispute Settlement Body of WTO. * DISPUTE DS450: China — Certain Measures Affecting the Automobile and Automobile-Parts Industries * The United States requested consultations with China concerning certain measures providing subsidies in the form of grants, loans, forgone government revenue, the provision of goods and services, and other incentives contingent upon export performance to automobile and automobile-parts enterprises in China. DISPUTE DS455: Indonesia — Importation of horticultural products, animals and animal products * The United States requested consultations with Indonesia concerning certain measures it imposes on the importation of horticultural products, animals and animal products. * DISPUTE DS456: India — Certain Measures Relating to Solar Cells and Solar Modules * The United States requested consultations with India concerning certain measures of India relating to domestic content requirements u nder the Jawaharial Nehru National Solar Mission (â€Å"NSM†) for solar cells and solar modules. ) Explain the term â€Å"dumping prices† * Dumping price is name for the practice of selling a product in a foreign country for less than the price in the domestic country, or the cost of making the product. Such a low prices may constitute a competition problem; e. g. when a company, which is dominating in a market, â€Å"dumps† their price, and the price drops so far that the company sells at a loss in order to eliminate a competitor. * Dumping in CZE: Radim Jancura commented a situation about Regio Jet. They have lost about 50mil.Kc in 2012 and he accused CD of dumping prices. Commentator was surprised to hear that from Jancura, who provided tickets for 1Kc from Prague to Liberec in the beginning. And Jancura explained: â€Å"It’s not dumping prices when it’s small beginning company, because it can’t destroy the competition. But when the comp any owns more than 30% of the market, than it’s dumping†¦ † 4) Which other commodities are object of protectionist measures? * As we come closer to a free trade, the protectionist measures become weaker. You can read also Thin Film Solar CellNevertheless, there are commodities, which can be a good example of protectionism. The EU imposes substantial tariff rates on many agricultural markets in order to increase the income of European farmers through increasing prices. The most significant examples are meat, dairy products, vegetables, cereals, sugar and agricultural products. There was a 20-years â€Å"banana war†, which consisted in great tariffs on banana imports from Latin America. Exporters had to pay â‚ ¬176 per ton of bananas.But then 10 Latin American countries signed a â€Å"historic† agreement to end the â€Å"banana wars† and banana prices are expected to fall by 11%. Argentina has increased imports duties on 100 products, including over a dozen agricultural goods. Tariffs on the import of milk powder increased to 9% after there was a threat of falling incomes to Argentinian farmers. Apart from commodities mentioned above, we think it can be also all types of commodities which are somehow important for the domestic economy (eg. because of domestic jobs, certain key industries, etc. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. WTO | dispute settlement – the disputes – DS450. World Trade Organization [online].  © 2013 [cit. 2013-03-05]. Dostupne z: http://www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds450_e. htm [ 2 ]. WTO | dispute settlement – the disputes – DS455. World Trade Organization [online].  © 2013 [cit. 2013-03-05]. Dostupne z: http://www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds455_e. htm [ 3 ]. WTO | dispute settlement – the disputes – DS456. World Trade Organization [online].  © 2013 [cit. 013-03-05]. Dostupne z: http://www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds456_e. htm [ 4 ]. Dumping (pricing policy). In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wik imedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-03-05]. Dostupne z: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Dumping_(pricing_policy) [ 5 ]. Examples and Types of Protectionism – Economics Blog. Economics Help – Simplifying Economics [online].  © 2013 [cit. 2013-03-05]. Dostupne z: http://www. economicshelp. org/blog/6911/alevel/examples-of-protectionism/

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Conversation Starter Essay

Keeping pace with the rapidly growing health care industry has been a challenge for human resource (HR) professionals. Increasing health care costs, aging workforce primed for retirement over the next decade, and regulatory complexity will be prevalent challenges for human resources. (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Responding to the effects of health care reform, and counseling organizations on which actions to take are an unrelenting concern for management in human resources (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Health care providers are feeling the pressure as the industry moves to an accountable care model. With reimbursement contingent on patient satisfaction and safety, cost containment is more important than ever (Aberdeen Group, 2012). Providers are leaning on HR management to ensure their workforce is prepared to meet the challenges. Identifying and promoting talent within the organization, formal succession planning, and leadership programs can give organizations the advantage in an ever-changing industry (Aberdeen Group, 2012). Recruitment and retention of competent, skilled candidates that meet mandatory staffing ratios adds to the list of challenges HR professional will face (Aberdeen Group, 2012). Lacking qualified applicants to fill positions within the organization, human resources have turned to training and development to heighten the skills of current qualified workforce, while offering desirable salary and benefits packages to retain young workers (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Anticipated changes in demographics and social conditions will greatly influence the approach taken by HR professionals with the millions of individuals reaching retirement age. (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Many of these individuals in the workforce are not prepared financially for retirement; eliminating the chances for younger recruits to enter the profession (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Forecasted replacement needs will more than double the job openings  created by economic growth between 2008-2018 (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Knowing where the retirements will occur, and if there will be sufficient resources to replace them, will be the imposing challenge (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Human resource departments are engaged actively in employing and development of the strategies that will influence the health care industry. Reducing costs, improving patient care as well as safety, recruitment and retention of qualified applicants will be unfeasible for health care providers without active HR management in the organization. References Aberdeen Group. (2012). Aberdeen Group. Retrieved from http://htpp:// Minton-Eversole, T. (2011). Society For Human Resources Management. Retrieved from